Turkish Coffee vs. Espresso Taste

Turkish Coffee vs. Espresso Taste — What is the Difference?

Turkish coffee and espresso are the two drinks that most coffee enthusiasts love to consume all over the world. 

If you’re someone who wants to try out something different from the same old traditional coffee, then Turkish coffee is your go-to option. It is an integral part of Turkish culture and opens you up to an amazing experience. 

However, espresso lovers might want to know about the taste of Turkish coffee before they make this big leap. They might want to know how the transition would feel for their taste buds. 

So, if you’re wondering about the taste difference between an espresso and Turkish coffee, then you’ve come to the right place. This article will cover the critical factors that influence the taste of both these coffees. Let’s get right into it! 

Turkish Coffee vs. Espresso: Brief Overview 

Before we move on to the difference in the taste between Turkish coffee and espresso, let’s get a brief overview of both.


Espresso in a cup

Espresso is an Italian drink that is created using an espresso machine which has a quite bold and slightly bitter taste. Another thing about the espresso is that it contains only two shots, which is why it gives a smaller quantity for the drinker.

Turkish Coffee

Turkish Coffee in a cup and a lot of whole coffee beans

On the other hand, Turkish coffee is a coffee style that requires preparation using a cezve. It utilizes finely ground coffee beans to give you an amazing cup of coffee. An important thing to note is that the coffee pot, known as the “Cezve Ibrik Briki”, is a crucial element in the preparation of Turkish coffee.

The Difference between Turkish Coffee and Espresso Taste 

When choosing any drink, most people tend to look at the caffeine level and the taste that the particular coffee offers. If we talk about the taste, Turkish coffee has a slight edge over espresso

Most people prefer coffee that has a strong, hearty, and bold flavour. So, if you are the kind of person who loves to have something energetic at the start of the day, then Turkish coffee is an optimal choice. Moreover, it has a higher quantity than espresso so you can enjoy it a bit longer.     

Another important element that most people consider or prefer when choosing coffee is the caffeine content. So, coffee drinkers might want to know which option out of both gives them a higher caffeine boost. In that regard, espresso has a higher caffeine content. 

The higher caffeine content is the primary reason that the espresso has a slightly bitter taste. Nevertheless, those who want to energize or refresh themselves before starting their day, throughout their working hours, or at the end of the day can do so with a hot cup of espresso.  

Turkish Coffee and Its Role in the Turkish Culture 

The method to prepare Turkish coffee is one of the oldest in the world, and it is a vital part of Turkish culture and tradition. The brewing process for Turkish coffee dates back to the 15th century during the Ottoman Empire.   

Even United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recognizes Turkish coffee as an essential element of the Turkish heritage. Today, preparing Turkish coffee is more than easy. 

However, choosing the right brand is crucial to find the brand that can give you high-quality products. Since there are so many brands in the market, it is imperative to choose the best one. This is because the right brand will deliver top-notch Turkish coffee with the right grind level and roast.

Brewing Accessories

Do Turkish Coffee and Espresso Come from the Same Coffee Beans?

coffee beans

Some people might have this question in their mind about whether the coffee beans are the same for espresso and Turkish coffee. The answer to this question is technical rather than a straightforward yes or no. Basically, it depends on the individual’s budget and preference.      

However, most people tend to make the mistake of considering Turkish coffee and espresso as coffee beans. Keep in mind that both of these are brewing processes that give you a different experience and flavour. Knowing this small factor is essential when choosing the best coffee products. 

Talking about the coffee beans, technically you can use the same coffee beans for both beverages and yet they will have different tastes. The primary reason for the distinction in taste is that the brewing process for both drinks is completely different.

Hence, you can use the same coffee beans for both the espresso and Turkish coffee. But, on the flip side, different types of coffee beans might go well with a certain brewing process. 

So, you might use a specific type of coffee beans that will give you an exceptional espresso but might not be able to deliver the same experience when it comes to Turkish coffee. In a nutshell, it is safe to say that the taste of Turkish coffee and espresso won’t be influenced by the type of coffee beans you use. 

Instead, it is the brewing process that is the vital factor that would make the difference between them. Therefore, you should choose the relevant coffee beans, depending on the brewing process.

Suggested Reading: Which coffee is better Arabica or Robusta?

Final Thoughts

Both Turkish coffee and espresso offer something unique to coffee enthusiasts. You’ll find some similarities and differences when comparing both.

One of the best things about these drinks is that you can use the same type and roast of coffee beans. Yet, you’ll get a different flavour and taste from both because of the difference in the brewing process. 

When it comes to the Turkish coffee vs espresso taste, you can expect to get a bold and heartier flavour from Turkish coffee. On the other hand, if you want a higher caffeine kick, then go for the espresso, which gives you an instant boost.

Either way, we would suggest that you give both the espresso and the Turkish coffee a try. This way, you will have a better idea about which one is more suitable for your taste buds.



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